29 September 2016


The mother of success is #consistency. When you find or learn the tools and methods that work and you apply them consistently, success is likely to result.

Variety is good, talent helps, brilliance makes a difference, but consistent application, consistently showing up, that is the key.

The #golfer who consistently practices his swing, his putting. The #tennis player who hits balls for hours, everyday. The #Iranian #football team returning to practice late into the night after their world cup qualifier against #China. The long distance runner who piles on the milage on a regularly, hardening the muscles, toughening the mind, creating muscle memory. These are the people who create the possibility and potential of success.

07 September 2016

Focusing on the right number

The news of the South African GDP growth rate of 3.3% Q on Q is quite encouraging. This, however, is not the whole story. Perhaps not even the main story. What has happened to the employment number?

Employment creation is the key. And we know that South Africa's economy is plagued by 'jobless' growth. It is the number the SARB should also be using to base its interest rate decision on. It is a number that creates multiplier benefits across socio political and economic impacts. If this number has increased too (or conversely, unemployment has fallen), then rejoicing would be truly justified.