16 July 2019


Werner von Braun was indispensable to the Nazi war machinery. Such was his value that he was a prime target of the Americans at the end of WWII, not to be tried for war crimes like others. And he became indispensable to the American space efforts.

Bill Gates is not indispensable, but he's in charge of his own destiny. So is Warren Buffett, or Jeff Bezos and others like them.

If you want to future-proof your life, become either indispensable or create an environment where you are in charge of your own destiny.

01 July 2019

Fruit tree, metaphor for life?

I have a mulberry tree in my garden.

The fruit ripens at different stages for about a month or two. The leaves are relatively big compared to the berries, so the ripe fruit is often hidden from view and you have to part the leaves to expose it. Frequently, also, the ripe berries are not easily accessible at the top, or in-between branches.

If you really want to eat juicy berries, sometimes you have to be prepared for the discomfort of stretching for the top, or being scratched by the branches.

Some of the ripe fruit has already fallen to the ground, and you may have to pick it up and blow the dirt away or wash it.

Birds compete for the berries, so over time I only reap a fraction of what the tree has produced.

I sometimes wonder: are there any life lessons here?

10 June 2019

Humans are ambitious

Ambition seems to play a big part in motivating humans to do stuff.

The ambition for power, or wealth, or fame or all of them. To pretend otherwise is to delude ourselves.

Altruism or selflessness may drive the actions of many for a time when there are common goals or obstacles to be overcome. Once these are attained, however, we revert to the former.

Contrary to how some want to portray things, there's nothing wrong with ambition. Acknowledge it, create agreed rules of the game, and let's get on with it.

07 June 2019

Black Hole

Seeing the image of the blackhole must have evoked many emotions and thoughts,
Wonder and deep thinking about the science behind it all.
Perhaps disbelief from the flat-earthers

It is clear, however, that this is a concrete demonstration of the human spirit,
What is possible from belief in our capabilities,
A constant endeavour to reach farthest in space and time, to hone our skills, improve our equipment
A belief in possibilities
Human ingenuity, from the telescopes, to the organising, to the code that created the algorithms

At this point it is fair to ask, to think, is there anything that is truly impossible?

20 May 2019


They say you have a better chance of being struck by lightning than winning the lotto. Or seeing a miracle.

To be sure, there's nothing wrong with playing the lotto or expecting and praying for a miracle.

There's everything wrong with hitching all your plans, or those of your organisation, or the whole country, on this.

06 May 2019

Alternative democratic traditions

In the US presidential system, the incoming administration can (and does, except perhaps if it’s a continuation of a Democratic or Republican governance) implement wholesale personnel and policy changes, subject only to the constitution and the oversight of Congress. Clear, simple, well-known, longstanding tradition.

In the UK, there is a persistent professional civil service, which generally endures and survives changes of government. It provides continuity, assurance, stability and implements the policies of the government of the day. Clear, simple, well-known, longstanding tradition.

And then there is a third, muddled, alternative. A bit of a cross between the two traditions, where whim, disguised settling of scores and jobs for pals tend to rule. Why not opt for one or the other tradition and be open about it?

02 May 2019

Zimbabwe should just use the Rand

Zimbabwe’s economy is not as strong as it was many years ago. It has lurched from one crisis to another, without a credible solution in sight.

Zimbabwe’s biggest problem is around the currency and runaway inflation. Currency solution after currency solution has failed. It’s all about credibility and trust, and the simplest solution seems unpalatable to the authorities. Zimbabwe’s ruling elite should swallow its collective pride and join the Common Monetary Area. This is the economic reality. And while at it, the country should also join the Southern African Customs Union. After all, South Africa is Zimbabwe’s biggest trading partner and, most likely, remittances from Zimbabweans living and working in South Africa are probably the biggest external transfers

These two acts would restore credibility and stabilise the economy. Sure, the country would economically be beholden to South Africa, but in many ways it is even now, with limited benefits