12 June 2017

(The power of) social media

(The power of) social media for governments, corporates, politicians, etc. is not about its utility as a messenger. It is about engagement, fighting for the hearts and minds, trying to influence the narrative.

Using social media merely to issue media statements is so pathetic. After all, the traditional route still works just fine. Media outlets will publish the statement.

The problem or challenge occurs afterwards, when commentators start analysing it, pulling it apart, and creating (their own) narrative. By the time you get involved with a complaint about being misunderstood or misrepresented, or with a denial or clarification, it is too late.

Take the initiative, go out on a limb and try to influence or control the narrative. After all, this is what politics or marketing is all about. You may not always succeed, but people, especially your sympathetic supporters, will appreciate the effort.

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